Izakaya Nyoko
#Izakaya Nyoko is a local treasure. Stop by for a drink, try your hand at #karaoke, or just relax under the shadow of #MtKomorebi. Please ensure that you place this lot with #moveobjectson #moo. #NoCC used for this lot. All items are #basegame or #snowyescape except for the #cityliving karaoke machine. #jitterbugxo #maxis #bar #venue #local
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/29/2022 3:10:23PM
- Value
- ยง60,335
- Size
- 30x20
- Bedroom count
- 0
- Bathroom count
- 2
- Venue type
- 229
- Original author
- jitterbugxo
- Gallery download count
- 77
- Gallery favorite count
- 11
- Required packs
- Snowy Escape
- Contains custom content
- No