Middle Rich Way
Rich home for Parents, Teen, Child, Toddler, and Butler! #NOCC #MOO #DEBUG Art by: #Arwenlovefamilie #Foulaaax #Noemieee294 #Holysmowow #JanineBuildings #Mnewi1103 #Bibabelula46 #Fruitloops40 #ALJay2000 #Eevam #MeekaDenimore #Bela_Sumeria #Alix631 #Maeva9933 #Cocosims2205 #Hootofthesims. Thank you for helping my build come to life. <3
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/13/2022 9:53:38AM
- Value
- §251,844
- Size
- 40x30
- Bedroom count
- 5
- Bathroom count
- 7
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- SummerLeighRoses
- Gallery download count
- 13
- Gallery favorite count
- 2
- Required packs
- Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, Realm of Magic, Perfect Patio, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Kids Room, Backyard, Fitness, Moschino, Tiny Living, Paranormal, Country Kitchen
- Contains custom content
- No