Windenburg Family Farm
The moveobjects cheat should be activated before placing the lot. First time trying to build in a more mediterranian style and only using seasons and get together. It can house a famil of four, the parents, a child and a teen. #seasonsonly #gettogetheronly #basegameonly #gettogether #seasons #basegame #debug #windenburg #farm #mediterranian #wineyard #40x30 #debugbuild
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/12/2022 2:23:58PM
- Value
- ยง108,063
- Size
- 40x30
- Bedroom count
- 3
- Bathroom count
- 3
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- ClaraStick9367
- Gallery download count
- 65
- Gallery favorite count
- 11
- Required packs
- Get Together, Seasons
- Contains custom content
- No