Briny Tower Reno
A renovated version of Briny Tower. I also just uploaded my verison of Tidal Tower. They are inspired by my own uni accomdation in England. More personal space but still with a large commual area.There is a laundry area but feel free to change it up with a ping pong table or study nook. This tower is more fancy and classy then my other reno, though foloows the same layout and placement. Have fun simming. :) #tidaltower #discoveruniversity #foxbury #foxburyinstitute
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/28/2022 5:41:09AM
- Value
- ยง87,676
- Size
- 30x20
- Bedroom count
- 8
- Bathroom count
- 8
- Venue type
- 54
- Original author
- alilove5
- Gallery download count
- 4
- Gallery favorite count
- 0
- Required packs
- Get To Work, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Discover University
- Contains custom content
- No