Glass pool house
Hey guys its me again xx I saw this house on pinterest and i really liked it because of the glass pool so i kinda tried to recreate it. Im so happy because i used the new game pack and im in love with the new stuff. This house can fit 5 to 6 sims. I hope you like it. You can tell me what would you like to see next xx. #snowyescape #ecolifestyle #cityliving #catsanddogs #gettowork #seasons #dreamhomedecorator #gettogether #jungleadnenture #paranormal #tinyliving #glasspoolhouse #glasspool
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/27/2022 6:53:08PM
- Value
- ยง162,985
- Size
- 40x30
- Bedroom count
- 3
- Bathroom count
- 3
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- Kotsosmc
- Gallery download count
- 78
- Gallery favorite count
- 10
- Required packs
- Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Island Living, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Parenthood, Perfect Patio, Cool Kitchen, Spooky Stuff, Fitness, Moschino, Tiny Living, Paranormal, Country Kitchen
- Contains custom content
- No