Von-Windenburg Fixed
The Villareal's Von-Windeburg Estate FIXED! Only basegame and Get Together used. There's also a secret basement room... #gettogether #vonwindeburg #windenburg #estate #renovation #renovated #fixed #eafixed #earenovation #earenovated #von-windenburg #windenburgestate #mansion #large #luxury #64lot #64x64 #huge #oldfashioned #pool #garden #fivebedrooms #5bedrooms #decorated #landscaped #tudor #tudorstyled #villareal #villarealestate #secretroom #secretbasement
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/7/2022 10:03:24AM
- Value
- §355,285
- Size
- 64x64
- Bedroom count
- 5
- Bathroom count
- 4
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- Schobre
- Gallery download count
- 113
- Gallery favorite count
- 13
- Required packs
- Get Together
- Contains custom content
- No