Affluista Oasis V2
Surounded by open #desert and vast canyons, this #luxurious #twostory #MidCentury #modern home has amazing views. This #5bedroom 6 bathroom home Features a #gym and #offic an exspansive #Patio space with a #Glasspool, and of course amazing views.#pool #Nocc #Basegame #AffluistaMansion# Landgraab #Fireplace#OasisSpring#FamilyHome #Mansion#Rebuild#AffluistaOasis#DPhiend
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/7/2022 9:13:25AM
- Value
- §335,726
- Size
- 50x50
- Bedroom count
- 5
- Bathroom count
- 6
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- Ranma330
- Gallery download count
- 335
- Gallery favorite count
- 49
- Required packs
- None
- Contains custom content
- No