225 Pine Hollow Drive
This is it, the largest house on Pine Hollow Drive, recently vacated by the former owner, who swallowed a hive of bees and threw a rock through through the window of a passing ship, and then she was tased into the great beyond by a screaming mime. Now the house is empty. Move in and make yourself at home! #oldladygettintased #guesthouse #hugepool #family #midcentury #capecod #hottub #gettogether #pinehollowdrive
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/26/2022 12:39:13PM
- Value
- ยง162,858
- Size
- 50x40
- Bedroom count
- 6
- Bathroom count
- 7
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- romantbrandt84
- Gallery download count
- 23
- Gallery favorite count
- 4
- Required packs
- Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Get Famous, Island Living, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, Perfect Patio, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Bowling Night
- Contains custom content
- No