Oak Alcove
#OakAlcove in the #Bridgeview neighborhood of #Newcrest is a #basegameonly home that is #under120k - This home features #1bed #2baths (can easily expand this by removing main bath off kitchen & adding stairs to basement or second level). Loaded with #unbreakable & #locked items for #skillbuilding this #charming little home has a #pool #fireplace #dishwasher #garden #nocc *bb.moveobjects was used on this lot**
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 4/1/2022 12:37:42AM
- Value
- ยง118,329
- Size
- 20x15
- Bedroom count
- 1
- Bathroom count
- 2
- Venue type
- 198
- Original author
- ValkyrieCAD
- Gallery download count
- 13
- Gallery favorite count
- 0
- Required packs
- None
- Contains custom content
- No