
#BernerSennenhund This is my entry for the great idea and challenge from my dear friend#Rhisk thank you so much for it hun.#RhiskieChall2Birthday#nocc#nodefaults The beautiful poses are from my dear friend#SakuraLeon thank you so much for your great work.My birthday is the 11th January and my favorite colors are red orange black white blue and i love my sweet dog Balu i made hime as puppy but he is still like a puppy lol. He is 11 years old now and i hope so much he stays as long as possible

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4/15/2022 1:47:46PM
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Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Spa Day, Vampires, Jungle Adventure, Luxury Party, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, Vintage Glamour, Laundry Day, My First Pet
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