Sian Marr

Her real name is Sian Marr. She is an #alien from V'Tara, in the Constellation of Azus. Her heritage is long gone, as she is one of the last survivors of her species, perished at the hand of the Alliance of Tsutu. Her father managed to run away stealing a Spaceship, arriving on this quadrant of the Universe. After a long search, he found Earth, where he fell in love with a human woman, that died from the radiations after giving birth. Now he chose to return to V'Tara to fight, leaving her alone.

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10/16/2022 12:37:51PM
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Required packs
Get To Work, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Discover University, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, Movie Hangout, Laundry Day
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