Salem Saberhagen
This is Salem Saberhagen from the popular show "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" Salem is a 500-year-old witch who was sentenced to spend 100 years as a cat by the Witches Council as punishment for attempting to take over the world. Enjoy! #sabrinatheteenagewitch #salem #cat #witches #magic #supernatural #vampire #kitten #cute #domesticshorthair #blackcat #catsanddogs #character #television #thesims4 #AmericanShorthair #halloween #goth #adorable
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 12/28/2017 2:53:31PM
- Original author
- charlottepipe
- Gallery download count
- 108
- Gallery favorite count
- 5
- Required packs
- Cats & Dogs
- Contains custom content
- No