The Magic Sisters

The #grimsbane #sisters are #witches who couldn't be more different. Ever since their parents died, the oldest sister, Lunette, has been in charge. She deeply cares for her sisters but hardly ever shows her feelings at all, as she fears that this would make her vulnerable. Gwen, the very focused, spends all day in her alchemy lab, creating potions, sometimes (often) to the point she forgets to eat. Betty is the good heart, always with a smile on her face, especially when she tends the garden.

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10/5/2022 1:21:19PM
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Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Dine Out, Vampires, Jungle Adventure, Realm of Magic, Perfect Patio, Spooky Stuff, Movie Hangout, Tiny Living
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