Brandi Neville

Brandi was on and won Sim's Big Brother 1. Brandi had been in a duo since day one with Wyatt and was the main reason that she was able to make it far in the game. Her and Wyatt were able to work with many people and get a lot of people on there side. She also ended up in a showmance with Omar that really helped her game. She was able to win the whole game in a 5-4 vote, by knowing when to get someone and taking out the biggest player of the season, her duo partner Wyatt. #bigbrother #WINNER #1st

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10/2/2022 8:52:46AM
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Required packs
Base Game, Get To Work, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Perfect Patio, Vintage Glamour
Contains custom content