Dog breed assortment
This is a set of dog breeds I made! Theres a male and female Irish Corgi, a female Alaskan Rottweiler, a female SenjiBeagle, a male Borzoi Cattledog, a male YorkyRanian, a female AkitaFrise, and lastly a male Welsh FoxTerrier! I hope you enjoy Allie, Smokey, Lilly, Mika, Teddy, Napolean, Leah, and Huey! #WelshFoxTerrier #AkitaFrise #YorkyRanian #BorzoiCattledog #SenjiBeagle #AlaskanRottwieler #IrishCorgi #dog #newbreeds #newbreed #puppy #pet
- Uploader
- Anonymous
- Download Count
- 0
- Date Uploaded
- 9/29/2022 6:16:51AM
- Original author
- Crookedstar59
- Gallery download count
- 4
- Gallery favorite count
- 2
- Required packs
- Cats & Dogs
- Contains custom content
- No