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#MyNPCSquad626 #Series2 #OC - Here we go: Heinrik Galitzin is an up-and-coming interior designer married to Silke who is his muse! Silke works for herselfas a Plopsy creator. Colombus Vanpoole is the heir to the largest shoe emporium in Evergreen Harbor, Borkshire Shoes. He is acting CEO. His 3rd wife, Tabatha is THAT girl who is crazy enoughto wear white to someone elses wedding. Yeah... she's great. *Eye rolls intensify* And last we have the Mercury's. (See my comments fortheir bio --> -->)

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9/29/2022 4:31:12AM
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Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Luxury Party, Perfect Patio, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Vintage Glamour, Bowling Night, Fitness, Laundry Day, Moschino, Tiny Living, Paranormal, Throwback Fit
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