Edge Walkers

This fine group of individuals have skills that allow them to possibly survive a haunted house. However, only one of them will survive. Does Raven have the advantage with her Dragon familiar and magical prowess, or will her recent possesion from the plant in Strangerville be her downfall? What about Jay's brains and brawn? Or maybe the woman of the night VAMPIRE that is, Shea have the upperhand, or will her nocturnal habits cause her paranoia to be the death of her? You decide! #fgghaunts

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9/27/2022 3:05:27AM
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Required packs
Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Spa Day, Vampires, StrangerVille, Realm of Magic, Laundry Day, Tiny Living, Paranormal
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