The Walmens

Mari and Eddie and twins Jamie, Velma and their dog Scoot just moved for Mari's new job at Albright Highschool, the new role has been keeping mari busy as well as her husband Eddie. The lack of free time means they don't get to spend much time with their twins Jamie and Velma who always seem to be off on adventures with their pet snoop, looking for mysteries to solve and new friends to make what trouble could these curious twins get into behind their parents back! #noticemelilsimsie

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9/24/2022 12:08:16PM
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Get To Work, Get Together, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Outdoor Retreat, Vampires, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Journey to Batuu, Luxury Party, Romantic Garden, Kids Room, Backyard, Bowling Night, Fitness, Laundry Day, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting
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