Dr. Pandora Pinkman

Pandora is a quirky but socially awkward doctor who is starting to have doubts about her job. The patients at the hospital don't take a pink haired #doctor seriously and even though she slogged to get where she is...she just doesn't enjoy it anymore. She has tried to convince herself that pets are just a hobby but and deep down she knows she cares passionately about animals and their wellfare. Is it time to go back to school? #isleroux #DizzyIsySaveFile#skilled#modern#40outfits#ecolifestyle

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Date Uploaded
8/28/2020 2:23:01PM
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Required packs
Get To Work, Get Together, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Spa Day, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Realm of Magic, Perfect Patio, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Backyard, Vintage Glamour, Bowling Night, Laundry Day, Moschino, Tiny Living
Contains custom content