The Occult Family

Everything changed when Chipo, a world known Vampire superstar, fell in love with a Werewolf. They soon popped out twin boys,and though they're grown well past child age, they're still time to go in their teen years. Misty, Amir's girlfriend, moved in with them yesterday. Having an unstable Medium mother of her own, she didn't have the easiest upbringing and though chaotic herself, she means well and truly does love Amir. Time for them to settle in as a family. #Vampire #Werewolf #Medium #Teens

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8/9/2022 8:43:33AM
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Required packs
Base Game, Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Realm of Magic, Journey to Batuu, Luxury Party, Cool Kitchen, Spooky Stuff, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Backyard, Vintage Glamour, Laundry Day, Moschino, Paranormal, Throwback Fit
Contains custom content