Wolf or Bat?

Freddie is a teenage boy who is half werewolf & half vampire.He lives with his dad in Forgotten Hollow but when he decided to visit his mom in Moonwood Mills he was attacked by a pack of werewolves & still has the scars as proof. He ran to the caves to hide & when his mom found out about the attack she went after the pack to get her revenge. She now wants to take Freddie to a wizard in Glimmerbrook to see if he can turn him into either a full vampire or a full werewolf. #GlovelysQCC #QCC60

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8/6/2022 8:10:39AM
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Required packs
Get Together, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Spa Day, Vampires, Parenthood, Realm of Magic, Moschino
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