Free Will 2.0 Contestants

My seven contestants plus their dog Oreo for the #freewillexperience These Sims were randomized and made using Story Mode so they all come with minimum skills and all but one, Madelyn, have careers. Their clothes have been modified from the randomized versions to be more, er cohesive too. Four of them are already friends with Oreo as well. Hope you like them if you decide to use them for either this challenge or something else. Sul Sul! :)

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Date Uploaded
4/28/2022 6:28:33AM
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Required packs
Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Island Living, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Luxury Party, Perfect Patio, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Backyard, Vintage Glamour, Bowling Night, Laundry Day
Contains custom content