A change is gonna come -2

So, where was i... #4 I'm going to (try) upload every month!! Every first sunday of the month, i will start in september. #Excited! #5 I will take requests, what do you guys wanna see more on my profile? Just comment under a recent post of mine and i will look at it and try to create it for you! ♥ and the last, but not the least, #5 It will be all without CC! Also, keep in mind i still go to school, but i want to be online more often to keep up with the community! So, Enjoy the update! ♥

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Date Uploaded
4/27/2022 10:02:34PM
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Required packs
City Living, Seasons, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, Luxury Party, Backyard, Fitness
Contains custom content