The Perfect Parents

Jimmy and Elena Warren have been together for years and now that they're at the top of their careers, they're ready to open their home to a child in need. Jimmy is the Willow Creek Chief of Police and has been practicing his dad jokes. (He thought about going on an all pistachio diet—but decided that was just nuts!) Elena is an outdoor enthusiast pediatric surgeon and can't wait to spend time camping as a family. Which child will be lucky enough to complete their family? #deliorphanage

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4/27/2022 11:25:05AM
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Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Spa Day, Dine Out, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Luxury Party, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Backyard, Bowling Night, Laundry Day
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