Take Me To The Prom

Brody was her best friend. Addison sat on the grass telling him her troubles while he worked under the car. He was a big jock and didn't want to go to the prom but he couldn't stand for her to be so sad. He slid out and asked her to go. She was hoping for a romantic night but it might be alot of fun to go with a friend. She opened the door and there stood this hunk! Brody was her friend, but WOW. She realized that this might just be a romantic night after all! #NCtakemetotheprom#niagarachik

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Date Uploaded
5/4/2022 2:11:11AM
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Required packs
Get To Work, Get Together, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Luxury Party, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden
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