Mel is a Bit of a Snob

Mel is a wonderful person, but she can be a bit judgemnetal at times. She has a strong set of morals and ethics and has a very strong idea of how things "should be". This is what lead her to becoming an activist. She wants to create a society that is good for the environment. She can come off as #highmaintenance because she likes to get regular massages, but who doesn't like a good massage? Mel's current goal is to get her neigbors to recycle. it shouldn't be too hard. Right? #KSsdesign #pretty

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Date Uploaded
4/29/2022 5:55:12PM
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Required packs
City Living, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Spa Day, StrangerVille, Luxury Party, Perfect Patio, Romantic Garden, Laundry Day, Nifty Knitting
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