Zombie Pirate Mermaid

Treasure everywhere! Down in th' deep waters, th' bounty o' a lifetime lay before me. I kept divin' down and pilin' me riches into me skiff. My so eyes glittered with gold that I did not see me skiff takin' on water from th' weight. Suddenly me limbs cramped, me breathin' seized. I scrambled onto me boat, but alas I be too much fer it and everythin' sank back down into th' deep. I may have drowned, but here I stand with another chance. The dead cannot drown, right? #pirate#treasure@mermaid#ghost

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Date Uploaded
4/28/2022 10:58:00AM
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Required packs
Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Get Famous, Island Living, Vampires, Realm of Magic, Journey to Batuu, Spooky Stuff, Movie Hangout, My First Pet, Tiny Living
Contains custom content