
If any of these kids seem related to Salim Benali, it is because they are. This is ONLY PART of a big family that started with Vivian and her sister Victoria and brother Robert.The first 3 kids (and another one that is older) are Salim`s kids. Mason, the baby is the kid of another sim. This is my most beloved family. If you play with them, treat them well. Yes, my dog is a ghost. #salimbenali #mermaid #family #beautiful #ghostdog

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4/28/2022 10:39:54AM
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Required packs
Base Game, Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Holiday, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, StrangerVille, Realm of Magic, Luxury Party, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Kids Room, Backyard, Vintage Glamour, Toddler, Laundry Day, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting, Paranormal, Throwback Fit
Contains custom content