Watson Family makeover

Inheriting the family estate was always the plan, but Thomas may be in over his head. For a man who equates success with crop size, he's losing both his confidence and his family. While his wife Rahmi loves the country air, her feelings for her husband are becoming stale and her affections have wandered. The oldest of their three children, Rashidah, feels trapped, preferring to dream of a future outside Henford-on-Bagley - dreams that have sparked something between her and a kindred soul. The two youngest couldn't be more different! Imran treasures the security of life at home while Maira can be found bravely venturing out into the unknown. Will this hectic family come together or fall apart in their "old new" home?#towniemakeover #thewatsonfamilymakeover #cottageliving #henfordonbagleytownies

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4/26/2022 10:23:48AM
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Get To Work, Get Together, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Vampires, Parenthood, Luxury Party, Perfect Patio, Kids Room, Vintage Glamour, Nifty Knitting, Throwback Fit
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