Prom Challenge

Kiki and Jabob were made by (me) #Chichicheetah444 for #CJSimmie's #PromChallenge. Meet Kiki and Jacob! They are a duo of mages going to prom. They meet at summer camp one year. They didn't have anyone else to go to prom with so they went together. In reality, Kiki has a big crush on Jacob but is to shy to tell him. Jacob has a big crush on Kiki but is also very shy. Once they age up, they will go to BriteChester. Kiki will take a computer science couse and Jacob will take a course in Economics.

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4/26/2022 5:10:43AM
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Required packs
Get Together, City Living, Seasons, Island Living, Spa Day, Realm of Magic, Luxury Party, Perfect Patio, Vintage Glamour, Bowling Night, Moschino
Contains custom content